All parents want to protect their children from falls, bumps, and bruises, as well as avoidable infections and diseases. To help your child prevent illness, it's important to inculcate good habits and make necessary efforts to strengthen their immune system from an early age. If you remember these three tips, you'll be able to stack the deck in your child's favour for a healthy lifestyle.
Encourage Regular Hand Washing
Touch can transmit most diseases and infections. Teach your child to wash their hands after sneezing, coughing, and going to the washroom. Washing hands for at least 20 seconds with warm water and soap can kill bacteria and viruses and reduce the risk of infections.
Do Not Skip Vaccinations
When it comes to the children’s vaccine schedule, listen to your paediatrician's advice. Immunisations begin in childhood and continue throughout adulthood to protect against measles, mumps, chickenpox, rotavirus, and several other infections and diseases. Keeping up with the vaccine schedule, you can also buy kids immunity booster online for more effective results.
Encourage a Nutritious Diet
A nutritious diet is also beneficial to your child's immune system. When it comes to fruits and vegetables, try encouraging your kid to "eat the rainbow." A good variety of whole grains should be included in their diet. Limit their intake of processed foods. Proper meal selection can help ensure that your child gets enough vitamins like A and C. These vitamins are essential for overall health and a healthy immune system.

Even if you follow these guidelines, your child may still catch seven to eleven colds per year. Also, keep in mind that several common "remedies" are ineffective at strengthening immunity. For this reason, you can give immunity-boosting gummies that are specifically made for kids. If your child's immune system is compromised, work very closely with your paediatrician to find ways to boost his or her immunity. As each child is different and so is their immune system. However, the above tips are the most common ways to boost a child’s immune system.